this is my letter to you.

I love letters. Sometimes i even write them.

Now, look, i’ll come back. But before i come back i wanna go back, cuz i do love to come back. Please write me a few more letters and give me some money in advance to my salary. Crește-l, pls!

I left you with Claudie-yeah. I don’t like Claudie. Claudie is eating Fitzgerald’s food when you’re not around. That’s why he’s so skinny. And i can do it, cuz i don’t likes dogfood.

Claudie - Moro

Look, first i was in Austria, then in France, again in Auskia and i finished my inspirational trip to Italy. Where i drinked a wine with your name on it. Quinn, you are so famous. And i cannot escape from this beautiful nightmare.

In auskia was nice. too. #auskia it’s huuge. I didnt made yoga again, but look what i’ve conquered.

Ich war in Auskia wo ich schön Ski gefahren bin um mich daran zu erinnern als du mich wieder in deinem Dienst genommen hast. Ich habe im James Bond Zimmer übernachtet und ich habe davon geträumt, dass mich ein James Bond Girl angestellt hat. Dann habe ich sie aber vergiftet weil sie ein Agent/Spion war. fur romanian press2.

Am fost in auskia unde am schiat frumos, ca să rememorez momentul in care m-ai reangajat. Am stat la camera lui James Bond. Am visat că m-a angajat Bond girl. Apoi am otrăvit-o, că era spion.

Bond Suite Room 427, Hotel Bergland Soelden, #auskia

After that, i was in France. The French Riviera is so silenced. I went and descoperit a nice place, exact in between de Nisa și alt sat. And it was filled with ananași. A lots of ananași and cocotiers, and some bananiers trees everywhere.

Je me suis installé sur une terasse et j’ai demandé un pichet de rosé… Après un premier verre, grâce à sa robe et à sa rondeur, j’ai commencé à parler français subitement. J’imaginais que je travaillais pour un Comptesse à Nice et je lui disais: Madame la Comptesse, vos croissants chauds sont arrivés… Mon pichet est vide, je reprends la route vers l’aéroport…et mon rêve s’arrête là… Vouzvoule romanian press droiaix.

Am fost la o terasă unde am baut un pichet de rose. După ce l-am terminat, datorită acidității am și inceput să vorbesc brusc franceză. Mi-am imaginat că lucrez la o contesă de Nisa și cum îi spuneam eu doamnă, au venit croissantele. După ce mi-am terminat rose-ul am plecat la aeroport, visul se sfârșise.

ultrascurte din #sudfrance

Then my search in Italy was inspirational too, cuz i wanted to be far away from Morodan’s shop not-so-tonic. Where i discovered that this italiens are using some little grapes calles VernacciaNera and made wine with YOUR NAME: MORO!

Then i came înapoi și am văzut your letter. Și-am mai fost și la Design&After ca să iau ceva de 8 martie and guess what:

I found some little things witch reminded about my călătorii: an italian wine glass, an ananas and a sign. It was a real primăvară inspiration. Le-am cumpărat dar i gave them your card.  The sign should be switched ON always when i come at work. Oh, i met Popeștii family. Such nice people. Easy to chat with. Cam moi, totuși.


And if you want something more, please let me know. Or we can go together, nah.

Your fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable, not drinking too much, a pig in a cage on antibiotics – #tudy!